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How to advertise on Linkedin

Linkedin has never been considered as powerful and popular as Facebook and Instagram. Yet, Linkedin has a strong-suit, however.  As a business-focused networking site that allows you to keep in touch with colleagues, companies, and people within your niche fields within business, this platform provides great opportunities to market if you are specifically targeting in a B2B environment. , In the last couple of years, Linkedin has implemented some changes to make it more appealing as a promoting platform. In order to use Linkedin as an effective tool, you need to consider how to use it differently than you would other social media platforms. 

Here are some tips to use Linkedin to promote your business and target potential clients. 

1: Create a company/business profile.

A company profile allows you to effectively separate your individual profile from your business. This page allows you to publish important information about what your company does, etc. This is the first step to use Linkedin as a promotional tool.

2: Build your brand:

Use the Linkedin to keep tabs on what it is being said about your company on Linkedin and Twitter. This information is important because it allows you to respond quickly and also gives you an idea of the impact of your brand. 

3: Participate:

Participate in discussions and join groups relevant to your company. Whenever you participate, your phone and name are included. Make sure to add a short signature with your company information on your posts. One of the best ways to participate is to answer questions related to your business and expertise. This can be a great way to make you an “Expert”.

4: Update your status.

Create and publish interesting status updates. Be sure to relate your status with relevant topics within your niche. This is a very simple and effective way to stay active online and generate brand awareness. Note: Publishing articles is a feature you can do from your personal profile, but it is not offered for business profiles. If you want to stand out as an industry “thought leader” based on your knowledge, skills, or expertise, consider using the Articles feature as well as making status posts for your business.

5: Advertise:

Consider starting a targeted advertising campaign. You can target your ads based on geography, job function and seniority, industry and company size, and gender and age. You can advertise posts from your business, or even run advertising using their in-mail feature. In-mail is helpful if you want to appeal to potential business partners with a personal email in their inbox, instead of as a post on their feed.

Linkedin is a great tool to publish your business. If you use it correctly, it can increase both boosts your brand, and also your clients.

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